Blogging From The Rigging Loft

Hi everyone, I’ve decided to keep this site going and use it as it should be used.

I’m going to blog a bit everyday, time permitting from the parachute rigging loft at Skydive Lillo.

It sounds a little boring but I’ll be taliking generally about what jobs I’ve been doing and anything I’ve found or seen thats interesting.

This blog should definatly be read by our regular jumpers, as they will know how busy, or not, I am and whether I can accept work or do it fast. Also I will be talking about changes to equipment and how things in the FAA and civil aviation affect there sport.

I’m hoping to make it as friendly and personal as possible. Please comment on any posts or pages. If you need prices, please go to my website (Zen Rigging) this is a blog. I’m not selling or advertising here. I will sometimes mention new things I’m making in the loft but only for information purposes.

As I said in the first post, the loft opens on the 1st of October, and I will be in Lillo on the 29th September. Untill then I’m in the U.K. so the blog may be a little quiet. I’ll really get going in October…

See you then…

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